Faculty & Staff Groups & Resources
Connecting Across Campus
The University of Denver supports all employees. As part of this support, we have many groups that support and celebrate the diversity of our community . From student organizations, to faculty and staff associations, DU hopes to foster and support affinity groups of all kinds. These groups are open to all DU constituents. If you would like to discuss starting a new group, please reach out to us at inclusion@mygril-yaoyao.com
Affinity Groups Employee Resources
Association of Sisters in Higher Education
Association of Sisters in Higher Education (ASHE) aims to support, celebrate, and engage in issues that are germane to black women in the academy. Open to all at DU.
Contact inclusion@mygril-yaoyao.com for more information.
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The mission of Black@DU is dedicated to supporting and improving the quality of the Black experience at DU. Black@DU exists to enhance communication and champion diversity, inclusion, opportunity and social justice. Open to all faculty and staff.
Contact inclusion@mygril-yaoyao.com for more information.
Faculty of Color Association
The DU Faculty of Color Association (FOCA) is a voluntary empowerment and resource group for faculty members with the mission of supporting faculty members from under-represented racial and ethnic groups within the University community. Meetings are held monthly on alternating Tuesdays and Wednesdays - send an email to inclusion@mygril-yaoyao.com to be added to the FOCA Teams. Open to all faculty.
Contact inclusion@mygril-yaoyao.com for more information.
Faculty Women's Association (FWA)
The FWA extends membership to all faculty. Objectives include, providing a support network to all faculty women in the campus community, sponsoring programs concerned with professional development, disseminating information about University practices and policies vital to faculty women's interests.
Contact inclusion@mygril-yaoyao.com for more information.
Hermanas Latinas
Hermanas Latinas provides a space for all members of the DU community with interests in support of faculty and graduate students who identify as Latina at the University of Denver.
Contact inclusion@mygril-yaoyao.com for more information.
Queer Faculty Association (QFA)
QFA supports LGBTQ and questioning-identified faculty on campus through advocacy, scholarship, and social networking. QFA is open to all as it works to ensure that DU is an affirming space for all queer students, staff, and faculty.
Contact inclusion@mygril-yaoyao.com for more information.
Queer University Employees (QUE)
An organization open to all employees, as it seeks to support the Queer and LGBTIQA-identifying DU members and promote a welcoming and affirming university community.
Contact inclusion@mygril-yaoyao.com for more information.
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Sistah Network
Sistah Network is committed to helping Black women who are graduate students at the University of Denver contend with the pervasive challenges they face related to graduate student socialization and academic persistence. This community is open to all in the DU community.
Contact inclusion@mygril-yaoyao.com for more information.
Staff of Color Association (SOCA)
The Staff of Color Association (SOCA) is committed to promoting the interests of and advocating for staff at University of Denver from historically unrepresented races and ethnicities. We honor and celebrate the diversity of our cultures and actively contribute to the University by 1) providing members with a supportive community and brave spaces, 2) fostering belonging for all intersecting experiences, 3) sharing knowledge about the campus climate, 4) providing support for the recruitment of diverse candidates throughout the University, and 5) establishing meaningful connections between staff, students and faculty of color. SOCA is open to all members of the DU community.
Contact inclusion@mygril-yaoyao.com for more information.
Women's Coalition
The DU Women’s Coalition creates and fosters a University of Denver culture that values and empowers all women; it is the umbrella organization to which all six University of Denver women's groups belong. The Women's Coalition and its affilate organizations are open to all members of the DU community.
Contact inclusion@mygril-yaoyao.com for more information.
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Women's Leadership Council (WLC)
The Women’s Leadership Council's mission is to engage the campus and its leadership on strategic issues relating to women; advocate for women’s opportunities and issues across campus; and build relationships on and off campus to foster mentorship and professional development for women at the University of Denver. This organization is open to the DU community.
Contact inclusion@mygril-yaoyao.com for more information.
Women's Staff Alliance for Networking and Development (WAND)
The Women's Staff Alliance for Networking and Development (WAND) is committed to supporting staff women at the University of Denver achieve their highest potential as employees by means of advocacy, education, development, networking and leadership. Open to all.
Contact inclusion@mygril-yaoyao.com for more information.
Center for Advocacy, Prevention & Empowerment (CAPE)
CAPE (the Center for Advocacy, Prevention, and Empowerment) at the Health and Counseling Center, offers free and confidential survivor advocacy supports to all employees and students at the university for anyone who has experienced sexual assault, domestic violence, stalking, and/or harassment. These services include help navigating legal and university reporting systems, accessing medical care and counseling referrals, or simply being a safer, confidential place to talk about something that has happened.
Contact cape@mygril-yaoyao.com or call 303-871-3853 for more information.
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Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
The Division of DEI is committed to providing leadership, guidance, and resources in support of the University of Denver’s commitment to building a more diverse and inclusive institution.
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Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
The University of Denver is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to its employees and applicants for employment in order to assure that individuals with disabilities enjoy full access to equal employment opportunity at the University.
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Human Resources & Inclusive Communities (HRIC)
HRIC works to ensure that employees are given a safe and inclusive environment to work.
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Latinx Center at the University of Denver
The Latinx Center advances critical interdisciplinary research, scholarly and creative work, and curricular development related to the historical, political, cultural, and intellectual legacy of Latinx people.
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Native American and Indigenous Initiatives
Provides support for current students and engages in community relations through developing relationships with local, regional and national Native communities.
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Religious and Spiritual Life
The University works with multiple religious and spiritual leaders to provide support to all members of the DU community on issues ranging from interfaith dialogue to spiritual care and counseling.
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Staff Senate
SAC fosters collaboration with staff and members of the University community, including the offices of the chancellor and provost, University leadership and faculty members from many units on campus; lobbies to get policies and procedures implemented that directly affect all staff members' morale, interests, working conditions and professional development.
Contact staffsenate@mygril-yaoyao.com for more information.
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Veterans Services
Guided by the knowledge that veterans offer a unique academic and social quality to the University of Denver, the Veterans Services Office vision and mission is to support our veterans through exceptional programming.
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Whites Organizing for Racial Consciousness (WORC)
WORC is an informal campus network that holds space for DU community members to support racial justice and the responsibility white people have in building a more just and fair community in solidarity with people of color. (Any discussion of identity is intersectional; however, the focus of this group is to discuss racial identity.)
Contact worc@mygril-yaoyao.com for more information.
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