Areas of Study
Program Strengths for In-Depth Study
The JDP does not have majors or concentrations. Students are free to take their interests in many different directions. The important thing is that there are faculty with the expertise to support their work. Like any PhD program, the JDP has resources to offer specialized study in a limited number of subject areas. The expertise of JDP faculty determines the most productive opportunities for study and for directed research, such as dissertation projects. The areas below represent general areas of strength for the faculty.
Before applying for the JDP, prospective students are encouraged to read faculty publications as they explore the academic areas listed below:
1. Bible, Ancient Judaism, Early Christianity
2. Religion, Art, and Media
3. Social Justice, Race, and Identity
4. Religion and Politics
5. Theories of Religion
6. Religion and Human Experience.
Bible, Ancient Judaism, Early Christianity
Christy Cobb
Assistant Professor of Christianity
Department of Religious Studies
University of Denver
Specializations: New Testament (Luke-Acts); Early Christianity; Enslavement; Gender and Sexuality; Ancient Fiction (Greco-Roman, Jewish, and Christian)
Publications:- Cobb, Christy. “Enslaved Women, Women Enslavers: Kyriarchy And Intersectionality In The New Testament.” Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 40, no. 1, (2024).
- Sex, Violence, And Early Christian Texts. Edited by Christy Cobb and Eric Vanden Eykel. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. 2022.
- “Entangled Tongues: A Poststructuralist and Postcolonial Reading of Acts 2:1-13” in Journal for Interdisciplinary Biblical Studies (Vol.4.1, Summer 2022), pgs. 1-16.
- Slavery, Gender, Truth, and Power in Luke-Acts and Other Ancient Narratives. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2019.
- “Madly in Love: The Motif of Lovesickness in the Apocryphal Acts of Andrew” in Reading and Teaching Ancient Fiction: Jewish, Christian, and Greco-Roman Narratives. Sara Johnson, Rubén René Dupertuis, and Chris Shea, Editors. Writings from the Greco-Roman World Supplement Series, Number 11 (Atlanta: SBL Press, 2018), pgs. 27-40.
- “Hidden Truth in the Body of Euclia: Page duBois’ Torture and Truth and the Acts of Andrew” in Biblical Interpretation (Volume 25.1, 2017), pgs. 19-38.
Christian Classics
Introduction to Christianity
Professional Label: Biblical Studies; Ancient Judaism, and Early Christianity
Office: 270 Sturm Hall, DU
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Pamela Eisenbaum
Professor of Biblical Studies and Christian Origins
Iliff School of TheologySpecializations: Paul; Epistle to the Hebrews; Jewish-Christian relations; biblical manuscripts; history of biblical interpretation; formation of the canon; the Bible and technology; comparative scripture
- Paul Was Not a Christian: The Original Message of a Misunderstood Apostle. San Francisco: HarperOne, 2009.
- Invitation to Romans. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2006.
- The Jewish Heroes of Christian History: Hebrews 11 in Literary Context. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1997.
Formation of the Bible
New Testament Language and Text
Epistle to the RomansProfessional Label: Biblical Studies; Early Judaism; New Testament and Christian Origins
Phone: (303) 765-3167
Office: Iliff School of Theology -
Amy Erickson
Professor of Hebrew Bible
Iliff School of Theology
Specialization: Hebrew Bible; Biblical Interpretation; Theories of identity and constructions of the self; Poetic and mythological texts in ancient Near Eastern literature; religion and body; Poetry and metaphor (Hebrew Bible)
Publications:- Jonah: Introduction and Commentary. Illuminations Series. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2021.
- “Recent Research on the Megilloth (Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther).” With Andrew R. Davis. Currents in Biblical Research. June 2016: 1-21.
- “God’s Birthing and Begetting Body in Job 38:28-30.” Pages 98-113 in Imagination, Ideology, and Inspiration: Exploring Walter Brueggemann’s Influence in Biblical Studies. Edited by Robert Williamson, Jr. and Jonathan Kaplan. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix, 2015.
- “Jonah and the Scribal Habitus,” in Methods, Theories, Imagination: Social Scientific Approaches in Biblical Studies, eds. David J. Chalcraft, Frauke Uhlenbruch, and Rebecca S. Watson (Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2014)
- “‘Without My Flesh I Will See God’: Job’s Rhetoric of the Body,” Journal of Biblical Literature 132.2 (2013): 295-313
Identity and the Hebrew Bible
The Body and Sexuality in the Ancient Near East and Hebrew Bible
Jonah and Its Afterlives
Professional Label: Hebrew Bible
Phone: (303) 744-1287
Office: Iliff School of Theology
More Info -
Mark K. George
Professor of Bible and Ancient Systems of Thought
Iliff School of TheologySpecialization: Hebrew Bible: Pentateuch and Narrative Texts; Subjectivities and Societies in Ancient Systems; spatial studies; critical theory; aniconism; religion and political theory
- Religious Representation in Place: Exploring Meaningful Space and the Intersection of the Humanities and Sciences, ed. with Daria Pezzoli-Olgiati, Religion and Spatial Studies 1 (Palgrave, 2014)
- “Israelite Aniconism and the Visualization of the Tabernacle,” Journal of Religion & Society Supplement Series 8 (2012): 40-54
- Israel’s Tabernacle as Social Space, Society of Biblical Literature Ancient Israel and Its Literature 2 (SBL Press, 2009)
Sacred Space in Comparative Perspective (with Jacob Kinnard)
Methods and Theories of Biblical InterpretationProfessional Label: Hebrew Bible
Phone: (303) 765-3168
Office: Iliff School of Theology -
Sarah Pessin
Professor of Philosophy and Jewish Thought, Department of Philosophy; Hecht Interfaith Chair; Center for Judaic Studies
University of Denver
Specialization: Jewish philosophy; Neoplatonisms; Comparative Jewish, Islamic and Christian medieval philosophy; Modern Jewish philosophy; post-Holocaust theology (esp. Levinas); philosophical theology; philosophy of religion
Publications:- Pessin, S. (2021). Emanationist Powers: Plotinus, Theology of Aristotle, and Ibn Gabirol. In J. Jorati (Ed.), Powers: A History (pp. 56-81). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
- Pessin, S. (2019). The Jewish Tradition. (B. Foltz, Ed.), Medieval Philosophy: A Multicultural Reader. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
- Pessin, S. (2018). America’s Love Problem: How Oprah’s Call to Friendship Feeds Bannon’s Call to Racism (or: On Three Strains of Liberal Lovesickness). Political Theology Network. Retrieved from
- Pessin, S. (2017). Khoric Apophasis: Matter and Messianicity in Islamo-Judeo-Greek Neoplatonism. In M. Fagenblat (Ed.), Negative Theology as Jewish Modernity. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
- Pessin, S. (2014). Islamic and Jewish Neoplatonisms. In P. Remes & S. Slaveva-Griffin (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Neoplatonism (pp. 541-58). Durham: Acumen Press/ Routledge.
- Pessin, S. (2013). Ibn Gabirol's Theology of Desire: Matter and Method in Jewish Medieval Neoplatonism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Jewish Philosophy
Philosophy of Religion
Religious Existentialism
Medieval Philosophy (Islamic, Jewish, Christian)
Professional Label: Comparative Neoplatonisms; Jewish Philosophy; Comparative Medieval Philosophy; Philosophical Theology; Post-Holocaust Theology; Levinas
Phone: 303-871-7731
Office: DU, Sturm Hall 265
Personal website:
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Alison Schofield
Associate Professor of Hebrew Bible and Judaic Studies
Department of Religious Studies
University of DenverSpecialization: Hebrew Bible and Judaic Studies; Dead Sea Scrolls; Religious and cultural influences of ancient Israel, Egypt and Babylonia
- Schofield, Alison. “Reading Sectarian Spaces: Critical Spatial Theory and the Case of the Yahad” in The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Study of the Humanities. Proceedings from the 2013 IOQS Meeting in Munich. E. Tichgelaar, A. Schofield, S. Thomas, eds. Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah 125. Leiden: Brill, 2018, pp. 176–194.
- Schofield, Alison. “Re-Placing Priestly Space: The Wilderness as Heterotopia in the Dead Sea Scrolls” in A Teacher for All Generations: Essays in Honor of James C. VanderKam, vol. 1, E. Mason, K. C. Bautch, A.K. Harkins, D. Machiela, A. Schofield, S. I. Thomas, E. Ulrich, eds. Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism, Volume: 153. Leiden: Brill, 2011, pp. 469-490.
Phone: 303-871-2752
Office: DU, Sturm Hall 271
Personal website:
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Eric C. Smith
Associate Professor of Early Christian Texts and Traditions
Iliff School of TheologySpecializations: Christian origins; New Testament and other early Christian literature; Jewish-Christian relations in antiquity; Materialist theories of religion; religion and spatial theory; Biblical reception and exegesis
- Paul the Progressive? : The Compassionate Christian’s Guide to Reclaiming the Apostle as an Ally (Chalice Press, 2019)
- Jewish Glass and Christian Stone: A Materialist Mapping of the "Parting of the Ways" (Routledge: 2018)
- Foucault’s Heterotopia in Christian Catacombs: Constructing Spaces and Symbols in Ancient Rome (Palgrave Macmillan: 2014)
New Testament
Biblical Exegesis
History of Christianity
Ancient Christian PracticesProfessional Label: Biblical Studies; New Testament; and History of Christianity
Religion, Art, and Media
Santhosh Chandrashekar
Associate Professor
Department of Communication Studies
University of Denver
Specializations: Critical Ethnic and Race Studies; South Asian American Studies; Critical Religious Studies; Lingayat Studies; Intersectional Hindu Studies; South Asian religious traditions; Intersections of Caste, Race, and Gender; Kannada Studies
Publications:- De“naturalizing” Tech Worker Discourses of Unfairness. Departures in Critical Qualitative Research 1 June 2019; 8 (2): 73–81. doi:
- "Engendering threat in the guise of protection: Orientalism and Sikh vulnerability," in Journal of Multicultural Discourses, 12(4), 366-381.
- Chandrashekar, S. (2018). Not a Metaphor: Immigrant of Color Autoethnography as a Decolonial Move. Cultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies, 18(1), 72-79.
Modernity & Violence
Race, Difference, & Social Struggles
Feminist Theories
Critical Sexuality Studies
Professional Label: Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, South Asian American Studies; Lingayat Studies; Intersectional Hindu StudiesEmail:
Phone: 303-871-4313
Office: DU, Sturm Hall 292 -
Lauren DeCarvalho
Associate Professor
Media, Film, and Journalism Studies
University of Denver
Specialization: Film theory and criticism, pop culture/film/tv; intersection of gender, race, and other identity markers within television and film; media depiction of gender and economic issues in the workplace; on-screen and off-screen narratives of incarcerated women
Publications:- DeCarvalho, L. J., & Martίnez-Carrillo, N. I. (2021). Crims and crooks: Automatization, communicative capitalism, fandom, and promotional campaigns for Wentworth. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 38(3), 211-224. Retrieved from
- DeCarvalho, L. J. (2021). Visible only behind bars: How indigenous Australian women reframe and reclaim their experiences on Wentworth. Women's Studies in Communication, 44(1), 65-80. Retrieved from
Courses: film history, theory and criticism courses
Professional Label: feminist media studies, critical/cultural studies,
film theory and criticism
Phone: 303-871-3832
Office: DU Mass Communications Building, 2490 S. Gaylord St. Denver, CO 80208 -
Amy Erickson
Professor of Hebrew Bible
Iliff School of Theology
Specialization: Hebrew Bible; Biblical Interpretation; Theories of identity and constructions of the self; Poetic and mythological texts in ancient Near Eastern literature; religion and body; Poetry and metaphor (Hebrew Bible)
Publications:- Jonah: Introduction and Commentary. Illuminations Series. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2021.
- “Recent Research on the Megilloth (Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther).” With Andrew R. Davis. Currents in Biblical Research. June 2016: 1-21.
- “God’s Birthing and Begetting Body in Job 38:28-30.” Pages 98-113 in Imagination, Ideology, and Inspiration: Exploring Walter Brueggemann’s Influence in Biblical Studies. Edited by Robert Williamson, Jr. and Jonathan Kaplan. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix, 2015.
- “Jonah and the Scribal Habitus,” in Methods, Theories, Imagination: Social Scientific Approaches in Biblical Studies, eds. David J. Chalcraft, Frauke Uhlenbruch, and Rebecca S. Watson (Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2014)
- “‘Without My Flesh I Will See God’: Job’s Rhetoric of the Body,” Journal of Biblical Literature 132.2 (2013): 295-313
Identity and the Hebrew Bible
The Body and Sexuality in the Ancient Near East and Hebrew Bible
Jonah and Its Afterlives
Professional Label: Hebrew Bible
Phone: (303) 744-1287
Office: Iliff School of Theology
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Rafael Fajardo
Undergraduate Director for Emergent Digital Practices Program; Founder, SWEAT Collaborative
University of Denver
Specializations: Cultural Identity/Cultural Representation in Art and Digital Video Games, Socially Conscious Video Games
Selected Exhibitions:
2021 ReVisión: A New Look at Art in the Americas, Denver Art Museum, Denver, Colorado.
2020 “Garden del Rio Grande” In Kepler’s Gardens, Ars Electronica, Linz Austria and online.
2019 ScreenIt Stads Triennale, Hasselt, Belgium
2018 Deep Roots and exhibition commemorating the 300th anniversary of the founding of San Antonio, Texas.
2018 NextNewGames, Institute of Contemporary Art, San José, California.
2017 Rafael Fajardo: Crossings, Emmanuel Gallery, Denver, Colorado.
EDPX 4000 Digital Design Concepts
EDPX 3110 Rapid Game Design & Prototyping
EDPX 3115 Game Design: Paper to Digital
EDPX 3120 Making Critical
EDPX 3130 Making Educational Games
EDPX 3710 Critical Game Cultures
Professional Label: Critical Making; Socially Conscious Games; Games for Change; Design History; Media History
Phone: 303-871-7716 (EDP Program)
Office: DU, Sturm Hall 216
Personal Website: -
Mark K. George
Professor of Bible and Ancient Systems of Thought
Iliff School of Theology
Specialization: Hebrew Bible: Pentateuch and Narrative Texts; Subjectivities and Societies in Ancient Systems; spatial studies; critical theory; aniconism; religion and political theory
Publications:- Religious Representation in Place: Exploring Meaningful Space and the Intersection of the Humanities and Sciences, ed. with Daria Pezzoli-Olgiati, Religion and Spatial Studies 1 (Palgrave, 2014)
- “Israelite Aniconism and the Visualization of the Tabernacle,” Journal of Religion & Society Supplement Series 8 (2012): 40-54
- Israel’s Tabernacle as Social Space, Society of Biblical Literature Ancient Israel and Its Literature 2 (SBL Press, 2009)
Sacred Space in Comparative Perspective (with Jacob Kinnard)
Methods and Theories of Biblical Interpretation
Professional Label: Hebrew Bible
Phone: (303) 765-3168
Office: Iliff School of Theology -
Annabeth Headrick
Associate Professor, Department of Art History; Graduate Art History Advisor
University of Denver
Specialization: Mesoamerican, Native North American, and Andean Art
Publications:- Headrick, A., & Hoopes, J. W. (2022). Foreign Encounters: Warfare, Trade, and Status at Chichen Itza. In G. A. Braswell (Ed.), 3,000 Years of War and Peace in the Maya Lowlands: Identity, Politics, and Violence. Abington, UK: Routledge.
- Headrick, A. (2022). Sacrifice and the Sun: The Aztec Calendar Stone and Its Origins. In J. G. Stauffer, B. T. Giles, & S. P. Lambert (Eds.), Archaeologies of Cosmoscapes in the Americas. Oxford, UK: Oxbow Books.
- Headrick, A. (2018). The Osario of Chichen Itza: Where Warriors Danced in Paradise. In L. Wren, K. Spencer, C. Kristan-Graham, & T. Nygard (Eds.), Landscapes of the Itza: Archaeology and Art History at Chichen Itza and Neighboring Sites (pp. 198-225). Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida Press.
- Headrick, A. (2007). The Teotihuacan Trinity: The Sociopolitical Structure of an Ancient Mesoamerican City. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.
- Headrick, A. (2003). Butterfly War at Teotihuacan. In M. K. Brown & T. Stanton (Eds.), Ancient Mesoamerican Warfare (pp. 149-170). Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press.
- Headrick, A. (1999). The Street of the Dead..It Really Was: Mortuary Bundles at Teotihuacan. Ancient Mesoamerica, 10, 69-85.
Courses: Art of the Maya, Mesoamerican Art, Native North American Art, and Art of the Andes, contemporary Native North American art
Professional Label: Art history, Precolumbian art
Phone: 303-871-3574
Office: DU, Shwayder Art Building 111 -
W. Scott Howard
Professor, English Department
University of Denver
Specializations: Renaissance & Early Modern Literature and Culture; Modern & Postmodern American Poetry; Poetics & Historiography; Literary & Cultural Theory; Digital Humanities
Publications:- Archive and Artifact: Susan Howe’s Factual Telepathy. Greenfield, MA: Talisman House, 2019.
- Poetics and Praxis ‘After’ Objectivism. Ed. W. Scott Howard and Broc Rossell. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2018:
- “Katherine Philips’s Elegies and Historical Figuration.” Women’s Writing 24.3 (2017): 313-331. Routledge / Taylor & Francis online (2016):
- “WYSIWYG Poetics: Reconfiguring the Fields for Creative Writers & Scholars.” The Journal of Electronic Publishing. Ed. Aaron McCollough. 14.2 (2011):
- “Prophecy, Power, and Religious Dissent.” A History of Early Modern Women’s Writing. Ed. Patricia Phillippy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018. 315-331.
Courses: Shakespeare, Critical Essay, Susan Howe and Vulnerability, Documentary Poetics and Praxis, Poetics Research, 'After' Objectivism, the Matter of Revolution
Professional Label: modern and postmodern American poetry; Renaissance and early modern literature & culture; critical theory, poetics, and historiography; fine press & small press book arts; digital humanities.
Phone: 303-871-2887
Office: DU, Sturm Hall 387E -
Jason Jeffries
Assistant Professor, Religious Studies
University of Denver
Specialization: African American Religions; Religion and Popular Culture; Embodiment and Religion; Critical Race Theory; Black Mythology; Psychology of Religion; Black Sacred Rhetoric and Religion; Black Pentecostalism
Phone: 303-871-4713
Office: University of Denver -
Sarah Magnatta
Ph.D, The Ohio State University
Assistant Professor of Global Contemporary ArtSchool of Art and Art History, University of DenverSpecializations: Global contemporary art, museum studies, Buddhist art history, Tibetan art historyPublications:- 2024 “Marking Impermanence: The Life of the Object (and Index) in Sonam Dolma Brauen’s Art” HIMALAYA 43 (2) Summer
- 2023 “Resonant Presence: Materiality and Memory in the work of Suchitra Mattai” Art Journal (vol. 82 issue 1)
- 2023 “Disrupted Bodies and Regeneration” in H.G. Masters and Elaine W. Ng, editors, Tales of Muted Spirits, Dispersed Threads, Twisted Shangri-La (catalog for Nepal Pavilion at the Venice Biennale) Hong Kong: Art Asia Pacific
- 2022 “Tibetan Self-Immolation in the Art of Tenzing Rigdol” in Routledge Handbook of Asian Transnationalism, ed. Ajaya K. Sahoo
- 2022 “Our Land, Our People: Reconsidering Site-Specificity in Exile” (Journal of Aesthetics & Culture, Vol. 14 no. 1)
Courses:Buddhism(s) in ArtGlobal Contemporary ArtSacred Arts of AsiaProfessional Label: Global contemporary art, museum studies, Buddhist art history, Tibetan art history -
Bilha Moor
Assistant Professor of Islamic Art History
School of Art and Art History
University of Denver
Specializations: Islamic art history, Islamic figurative painting, early Islamic Arabic inscriptions in architectural, historical, and religious contexts
Publications:- “Early Qur’anic Epigraphy in Public Shrines.” In Encyclopaedia of the Qur’an Online. Edited by Johanna Pink, Anne-Sylvie Boisliveau, Suleyman Dost, Saqib Hussain and Nimet Şeker. Leiden: Brill, 2024.
- “Shah ‘Abbas I, the Safavid Concourse of the Birds, and the Reception of Ming One Hundred Birds Compositions in Persian Painting.” Artibus Asiae 82, no. 1 (2022): 51–99.
- "The Jew, the Orthodox Christian, and the European in Ottoman Eyes, ca. 1550-1700." In Disliking Others: Loathing, Hostility and Distrust in Pre-Modern Ottoman Lands. Edited by Hakan T. Karateke, H. Erdem Çıpa and Helga Anetshofer. Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2018, pp. 75-106.
- "Mosque and Church: Arabic Inscriptions at Shivta in the Early Islamic Period." Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam (JSAI) 40 (2013), pp. 73-141.
- “Shahnama Kings And Heroes In 'Aja'ib Al-Makhluqat Illustrated Manuscripts.” In Shahnama Studies Ii. The Reception Of Firdausi’s Shahnama. edited by Charles Melville and Gabrielle van den Berg. 267-80, and plates 23-26 Leiden: Brill. 2012.
Graduate Seminar on Islamic Illustrated Manuscripts
History and Fantasy in Islamic Painting
Mosques and Aniconism: Islamic Art & Architecture 650-1250
Dragons and Sultans: Islamic Art & Architecture 1250-1700
Professional Label: Islamic Art History
Phone: 303-871-2451
Office: DU, Shwayder Art Building -
Benjamin Nourse
Benjamin Nourse, Ph.D., University of Virginia, Religious Studies
Assistant Professor
Department of Religious Studies, University of Denver
Specializations: Asian Religions; Buddhist Studies; Tibetan Studies; History of the Book in Asia.
Publications:- Nourse, Benjamin J. “Translating The Cult Of The Book: Publishing And Performing The Fifth Dalai Lama's The Wish-Fulfilling King From Lhasa To Beijing.” East Asian Publishing and Society 11, no. 1, (2021): 34–67.
- Nourse, Benjamin James. “Zhuchen Tsultrim Rinchen (B. 1697 - D. 1774)” The Treasury of Lives. 2019.
- Nourse, Benjamin James. “Revolutions Of The Dharma Wheel: Uses Of Tibetan Printing In The Eighteenth Century.” In Tibetan Printing: Comparison, Continuities, And Change. edited by Hildegard Diemberger, Franz-Karl Ehrhard, and Peter Kornicki. 524-550 Leiden, Netherlands: Brill. 2016.
- Nourse, Benjamin James. “Makzor Gönpo And The Choné Kangyur.” In Sources Of Tibetan Tradition. edited by Kurtis R. Schaeffer, Gray Tuttle, and Matthew T. Kapstein. 596-600 New York, NY, USA: Columbia University Press. 2013.
Trace Reddell
Professor, Director of Emergent Digital Practices
University of Denver
Specializations: Sound Studies, Digital Media Studies, Critical Theory, Popular Cosmology, Science Fiction Studies, Audiovisual Performance, Analog Synthesizers
Publications/Performances:- Reddell, T. (2018). The Sound of Things to Come: An Audible History of the Science Fiction Film. Minneapolis, MN, United States: University of Minnesota Press. Retrieved from
- “Ethnoforgery and Outsider Afrofuturism,” in Dancecult: The Journal of Electronic Dance Music Culture, Vol. 5, No. 2 (2013).
- “Cyborg Ritual and Sentic Technology in the Vortex Concerts,” in The Poetics of Space: Spatial Explorations in Art, Science, Music & Technology (Sonic Acts Press, Paradiso, 2010).
- Reddell, T. E. (2018). Linguistic Programming of Sonic Psychotechnologies @ Lafayette Electronic Arts Festival. Lafayette, CO, USA.
Courses :
Emergent Digital Cultures
Sonic Science
Professional Label: Emergent Digital Practices
Phone: 303-871-3874
Office: DU, Sturm Hall 216B
More Info -
Lynn Schofield Clark
Distinguished Professor and Chair
Department of Media, Film and Journalism Studies
University of Denver
Director of the Estlow International Center for Journalism and New Media
Specializations: Media; religion and culture; ethnography; community engaged research; social sciences and religion; journalism; U.S. families and digital media
Publications:- co-authored with Regina Marchi, Young People & the Future of News (Cambridge U Press, 2017).
- The Parent App: Understanding Families in a Digital Age (Oxford University Press, 2014)
- Religion, Media and the Marketplace (Rutgers University Press, 2007)
- From Angels to Aliens: Teenagers, the Media, and the Supernatural (Oxford University Press, 2005)
Qualitative Research Methods
Digital Media Studies
Multicultural Journalism
Professional Label: Critical/Cultural Media Studies; Media, Religion, and Culture
Phone: 303-871-3984
Office: DU, Media, Film & Journalism Studies, Room 128
Personal Website:
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Andrea Stanton
Professor of Islamic Studies
Department of Religious Studies, University of Denver
Specializations: Islamic Studies; Middle Eastern history; media and politics; nationalism and sovereignty
Publications:- Kaneva, Ndezhda S., and Andrea Stanton. “An Alternative Vision Of Statehood: Islamic State's Ideological Challenge To The Nation-State.” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 46, no. 5, (2023): 640-658.
- Stanton, Andrea. The Wireless World: Global Histories Of International Radio Broadcasting. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 2022.
- Stanton, Andrea. “Sober Masculinity And Nurturing Femininity: A Gendered Analysis Of The Syrian Presidency Instagram Account.” Place Branding and Public Diplomacy 18, no. 4, (2022): 346-356.
- Stanton, Andrea. “From Mecca With Love: Muslim Religious Apps And The Centering Of Sacred Geography.” In Cyber Muslims: Mapping Islamic Digital Media In The Internet Age. 161-175 London: Bloomsbury. 2022.
- Stanton, Andrea L. “Can Imperial Radio Be Transnational? British-Affiliated Arabic Radio Broadcasting In The Interwar Period.” History Compass 18, no. 1, (2020):
- Stanton, Andrea L. “Saudi Arabia's Ministry Of Hajj Apps: Managing The Operations And Piety Of The Hajj.” Journal of Religion, Media, and Digital Culture, (2020).
- Stanton, Andrea. “Locating Palestine's Summer Residence: Mandate Tourism And National Identity.” Journal of Palestine Studies 47, no. 2, (2018): 44-63.
- Stanton, Andrea. “The Search For A Young Imam Begins Now: Imam Muda And Civilizational Islam In Malaysia.” In Religion And Reality Tv Faith In Late Capitalism. Routledge. 2018.
- Stanton, Andrea. “Islamic Emoticons And Religious Authority: Emerging Practices, Shifting Paradigms.” Journal of Contemporary Islam, (2017).
- Stanton, Andrea. This Is Jerusalem Calling: State Radio In Mandate Palestine. Austin, USA: University of Texas Press. 2013. 260.
Contemporary Islam
Qur’an and Hadith
Islamic Fundamentalisms
Professional Label: Islamic Studies
Phone: 303-871-3503
Office: DU, Sturm Hall 272 -
Dheepa Sundaram
Assistant Professor of Hindu Studies
Department of Religious Studies
University Denver
Specializations: South Asian Religious Traditions; Rituals, Praxis, Media and Performance; Gender, Caste and Performance in South Asia; Sanskrit and Tamil Poetics; Literature and Performance; Digital/Virtual Religion
Publications:- "Social media, hashtags and state-sponsored cultural marketing 1" in Digital Hinduism (Routledge, 2019)
- Current monograph project Globalizing Darśan: Virtual Soteriology and Hindu Branding
Modern Hinduism
"Woman as the Gateway to Hell": Gender and Identity in South Asia
History of Yoga
Religion in the Virtual Space
Performing India
Professional Label: South Asian Studies; South Asian Religious Traditions; Hindu Studies
Phone: 303.871.2888
Office: Sturm Hall 487F
Social Justice, Race, and Identity
Antony Alumkal
Associate Professor of Sociology of Religion
Iliff School of Theology
Specializations: Effects of race, ethnicity and immigration on religion in the United States; cultural and institutional aspects of American mainline and evangelical Protestantism; dynamics of congregations
- Paranoid Science: The Christian Right's War on Reality (New York: New York University Press, 2017)
- “Racial Justice in the Protestant Mainline: Liberalism and Its Limits,” in Faith and Race in American Political Life, eds. Robin Jacobson and Nancy Wadsworth (University of Virginia Press, 2012)
- “American Evangelicalism in the Post-Civil Rights Era: A Racial Formation Theory Analysis,” Sociology of Religion 65 (2004): 195-213
Race and Religion in the United States
Science and the Christian Right
Professional Label: Sociology of Religion
Phone: (303) 765-3131
Office: Iliff School of Theology -
Philip R. Butler
Philip R. Butler, Ph.D., Claremont School of Theology
Assistant Professor of Theology and
Black Posthuman Artificial Intelligence Systems
Iliff School of Theology
Specialization: the intersections of neuroscience, technology, spirituality and Blackness
Publications:- “Beyond the Zoomiverse” in Ecclesiology for a Digital Church: Theological Reflections on a New Normal, ed. by Heidi Campbell and John Dyer (London: SCM Press, 2022), 155-166.
- “Blackness: Spectres and Monsters are the Future of Theological Subjectivity." Concilium 3 (2021): 21-30.
- “Aime Césaire” Political Theology Network: Critical Theory for Political Theology 2.0, ed. by Alex Dubliet and Vincent LLoyd, June 15, 2021.
- “A Black Tetratic Future: Blackness and the Age of Hyper-Exponentiation (Hyper-4)” Critical Black Futures: Volume I, ed. by Philip Butler, Springer Nature (2021): 37-60.
- Black Transhuman Liberation Theology: Technology and Spirituality (Bloomsbury Academic, 2019).
Decolonizing AI
Data Storytelling
Black Theology
Post-/Transhumanism & Process Thought
Black Posthumanism
Neuroscience, Spirituality & Blackness
Professional Labels: Black posthumanism, artificial intelligence, and pluriversal future realities.
Phone: 303.765.3124
Office: Iliff School of Theology
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Santhosh Chandrashekar
Associate Professor
Department of Communication Studies
University of Denver
Specializations: Critical Ethnic and Race Studies; South Asian American Studies; Critical Religious Studies; Lingayat Studies; Intersectional Hindu Studies; South Asian religious traditions; Intersections of Caste, Race, and Gender; Kannada Studies
Publications:- De“naturalizing” Tech Worker Discourses of Unfairness. Departures in Critical Qualitative Research 1 June 2019; 8 (2): 73–81. doi:
- "Engendering threat in the guise of protection: Orientalism and Sikh vulnerability," in Journal of Multicultural Discourses, 12(4), 366-381.
- Chandrashekar, S. (2018). Not a Metaphor: Immigrant of Color Autoethnography as a Decolonial Move. Cultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies, 18(1), 72-79.
Modernity & Violence
Race, Difference, & Social Struggles
Feminist Theories
Critical Sexuality Studies
Professional Label: Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, South Asian American Studies; Lingayat Studies; Intersectional Hindu Studies
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Lauren DeCarvalho
Associate Professor, Media, Film, and Journalism Studies
University of Denver
Specializations: Film theory and criticism, pop culture/film/tv; intersection of gender, race, and other identity markers within television and film; media depiction of gender and economic issues in the workplace; on-screen and off-screen narratives of incarcerated women
Publications:- DeCarvalho, L. J., & Martίnez-Carrillo, N. I. (2021). Crims and crooks: Automatization, communicative capitalism, fandom, and promotional campaigns for Wentworth. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 38(3), 211-224. Retrieved from
- DeCarvalho, L. J. (2021). Visible only behind bars: How indigenous Australian women reframe and reclaim their experiences on Wentworth. Women's Studies in Communication, 44(1), 65-80. Retrieved from
Courses: film history, theory and criticism courses
Professional Label: feminist media studies, critical/cultural studies,
film theory and criticism
Phone: 303-871-3832
Office: DU Mass Communications Building, 2490 S. Gaylord St. Denver, CO 80208 -
Miguel De La Torre
Professor of Social Ethics and Latinx Studies
Iliff School of Theology
Specializations: Social and Political Ethics in the U.S.; Effects of religion on race, gender, and class; Liberationist ethics; Postmodern/postcolonial social theory; critical race theory; gender studies
Publications:- Reading José Martí from the Margins (Rowman & Littlefield, 2024)
- Doing Christian Ethics from the Margins (3rd ed.; Orbis Books, 2023)
- Decolonizing Christianity: Becoming Badass Believers (Eerdmans: 2021)
- Embracing Hopelessness (Fortress Press, 2017)
- Genesis: Belief, A Theological Commentary on the Bible (Westminster John Knox Press, 2011)
- Encyclopedia on Hispanic American Religious Culture, Vols. 1 and 2 (ABC-CLIO Publishers, 2009)
Fanon, Foucault, and Friends
Formative White Male Figures in Christian Ethics
Biblical Ethics
Professional Label: Social Ethics, Latinx Studies
Phone: (303) 765-3133
Office: Iliff School of Theology
Personal website:
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Kelly Fayard
Assistant Professor of Anthropology
University of Denver
Specializations: Native North America, kinship, race/biology/blood quantum, museums, Indigenous feminisms
Publications:- Book manuscript. Fighting to Belong: Race, Kinship, and Community Among the Poarch Band of Creek Indians (In progress)
- Back “Poarch” Politics: States, “states,” and Indigenous Sovereignty in Alabama. The Journal of Anthropology of North America. Forthcoming Fall 2021.
- “Decolonizing and Building Community” in The Academic’s Handbook edited by Lori Flores and Jocelyn Olcott, 2020.
- “Native American Dance History and Powwow Styles” in Dance Pedagogy for a Diverse World: Culturally Relevant Teaching in Theory, Research and Practice by Nyama McCarthy-Brown, 2017.
- “Collaboration with Family: Anthropological Work with the Poarch Band of Creek Indians.” Anthropology News, 2013.
Courses: Anthropological Theory and Context, Indigenous Feminisms, Native North America, Exhibit Design, Anthropological Kinship, Natives in Film, Anthropological Methods
Professional Label: Native North America, Indigenous feminism
Phone: 303-871-2679
Office: Sturm Hall, 2000 East Asbury Avenue, Denver, CO 80208 -
Albert Hernández
Associate Professor of the History of Christianity
Iliff School of Theology
Specializations: History of Christianity from Medieval to Early Modern Periods (c. 1100-1650); Religious diversity in Medieval Spain; Mysticism and Pneumatology in Christian History
Publications:- Subversive Fire: The Untold Story of Pentecost (Emeth Press, 2010)
- The Quest for the Historical Satan co-authored with Miguel A. De La Torre,(Fortress Press 2011)
Introduction to the History of Christianity
The Holy Spirit: History and Traditions
Violence and Toleration in Medieval Europe
Sixteenth Century Mystics and Reformers
Happiness: A History
Christianity in the Middle Ages
Phone: 303-765-3180
Office: Iliff School of Theology -
Jason Jeffries
Assistant Professor, Religious Studies
University of Denver
Specialization: African American Religions; Religion and Popular Culture; Embodiment and Religion; Critical Race Theory; Black Mythology; Psychology of Religion; Black Sacred Rhetoric and Religion; Black Pentecostalism
Phone: 303-871-4713
Office: University of Denver -
Kristina Lizardy-Hajbi
Kristina Lizardy-Hajbi, Ph.D., University of Colorado
Associate Professor of Leadership and Formation; Director of the Office of Professional Formation
Iliff School of Theology
Specializations: Leadership theory and praxis; congregational and community formation and change; applied research methods; U.S. Christianities; critical approaches for ministry praxis
Publications:- Unraveling Religious Leadership: Power, Authority, and Decoloniality (Fortress Press, 2024)
- Explore: Vocational Discovery in Ministry (Rowman & Littlefield, 2022)
- “Latino Congregations: Trends from the Faith Communities Today (FACT) and Exploring the Pandemic Impact on Congregations (EPIC) Studies” (Hartford Institute for Religion Research, 2023)
- “How Can We Learn Across Difference? A Conversation about Ethical Research and Writing vis-a-vis Identity and Positionality,” Journal of Religious Leadership 21.2 (2022): 123-42
- “Theological Field Education as a Bridge across Disciplines,” Religions 12.1 (2021)
“Processes toward Post/Decolonial Pastoral Leaderships,” Journal of Religious Leadership 20.1 (Spring 2021): 136-67 - “Frameworks toward Post/Decolonial Pastoral Leaderships,” Journal of Religious Leadership 19.2 (Autumn 2020): 100-30
- “Engaging Young Adults: American Congregations 2015,” Faith Communities Today (Hartford Institute for Religion Research, 2016)
- “Kirkwood United Church of Christ,” in How Religious Congregations Are Engaging Young Adults in America, eds. M. Sahlin and D. Roozen (Hartford Institute for Religion Research, 2015): 111-36.
Research Methods and Ethics in Lived Religion/Practical Theology
Leadership and Organizational Development
Decolonizing Congregational Leadership
Professional Label: Social Science and Religion; Practical/Praxis Theology; Leadership and Education
Phone: 303-765-3116
Office: Iliff School of Theology
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April M. Mack
April M. Mack, Ph.D., University of Denver/Iliff School of Theology
Assistant Professor of Religion and Social Justice
Iliff School of TheologySpecializations: Black and Womanist Theologies, Christian Ethics, Religious Studies, Religious Violence, African American Identity/Experience in the US
Publications:- Mack, April, “Womanist Ethics as a Contribution to Bioethics,” in A Critical Moment in Bioethics: Reckoning with Anti-Black Racism through Intergenerational Dialogue, ed. Fletcher, Faith E. et al., special report, Hastings Center Report 52, no. 2 (2022): S69– S71. DOI: 10.1002/hast.1376.
- Woodson, April, “I Can’t Breathe”: Neocolonial Geotrauma and Violence in the Age of Trump. De La Torre, Miguel A. (2021). Faith and Reckoning after Trump. Orbis Books.
- Woodson, April Michelle, "“Dialogical Offense:” A Postcolonial Womanist Deconstruction of the Colonial Experience of African American Women Through U.S. Institutional Apparatus Known as Criminal Justice Policy" (2020). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 1870.
Black Theology: From Cone to Warnock
Womanist Theoethics
Social Issues, Social Ethics
Public Policy: Design, Intersectionality, and Praxis
Feminist Theoethics
God, Religion, and Violence
Race, Religion, and Public Policy as Colonial Tools
Professional Labels:
A decolonial Black feminist scholar and theo-ethicist concerned with ethics related to complex social issues, structural inequality, and holistic justice for marginalized peoples.
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Paul Michalec
Paul Michalec, Ph.D., University of Colorado at Boulder
Clinical Professor, Curriculum and Instruction
Morgridge College of Education, University of Denver
Specializations: Spirituality in education; The inner life of educators; Effective forms of instruction; Foundations of education; Educator coaching and mentoring
Publications:- Michalec, P. (2016-2022). IN:SIGHT In this blog I explore the inner life of teaching as a profession and personally.
- Michalec, P. (2022). Expanding the Landscape of Wholeness: The Spirituality of Teacher Preparation. Democracy and Education, volume 30, Number 2, pp. 1-7.
- Riordan, D.; Michalec, P. & Newburgh, K. (2022). Kierkegaard and the Power of Existential Doubt in Teaching: Transformation of Self and Profession. In A. Zimmerman (Editor), Problematizing the Profession of Teaching from an Existential Perspective, Information Age Publishing.
- Michalec, P. (2020). Disrupting the Disimagination Machine: Reflections on Courage in the Classroom. Professing Education. 18 (1&2); spring and summer.
- Michalec, P. &. Newburgh, K. (2018). Deep Practices: Advancing Equity by Creating a Space and Language for the Inner Core of Teaching. Teacher Education & Practice. 31(1).
- Michalec, P. & Brower, G. (2012). Soul and Role Dialogues in Higher Education: Healing the Divided Self. New Directions in Teaching and Learning, 130, 15-25.
- Michalec, P. (2002). A Calling to Teach: Faith and the Spiritual Dimensions of Teaching. Encounter: Education for Meaning and Social Justice, 15, 5-14.
Courses: Introduction to Curriculum, History of American Education, Philosophy of Education, Spirituality in Education, Curriculum Theory Into Practice, The Practice of Teaching, Analysis of Teaching, Transformational Teaching and Learning.
Professional Label: Education, Holistic/prophetic tradition, Professional development, Courage to teach
Phone: 303-871-7952
Office: KRH-343, College of Education
Personal website:
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Marco J. Nathan
Marco J. Nathan, Ph.D., Columbia University
Professor, Chair of Department of Philosophy
University of Denver
Specialization: Phil. of Science, Phil. of Biology, Phil. of Neuroscience, Psychology and Cognitive Science, Phil. of Mind and Language, Logic, Phil. of Economics, Metaphysics, Epistemology
Publications:- Black Boxes: How Science Turns Ignorance into Knowledge (New York: Oxford University Press, 2021)
- Rethinking Publications: Aging, Special Issue of History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences. Co-edited with A. Blasimme and G. Boniolo, 2021.
- `Prediction, Explanation, and the Toolbox Problem,' In J. Bickle, C. Craver, & A. Barwich, The Tools of Neuroscience Experiment: Philosophical and Scientific Perspectives, New York: Routledge, in press.
- `Mob Rules: Towards a Causal Account of Social Structure' American Philosophical Quarterly, 59(1), pp. 11-26, 2022 (with A. Borghini)
- `Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? From Biological Age to Biological Time,' History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43: 26, 2021.
The Specter of Scientism; Topics in Metaphysics: Universals; Logic, Language, and Metaphysics; Philosophy of Economics; Philosophy of Mind; Philosophy of Science
Professional Label: Philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, metaphysics.
Phone: 303-871-2767
Office: DU, Sturm Hall 264
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Debora Ortega
Debora Ortega, Ph.D., University of Washington
Professor; Director, University of Denver Latino Center for Community Engagement and Scholarship
Specializations: culturally responsive practice, disparities, families and family systems, latina/latino populations, LGBTQIA, marginalized populations, race and ethnicity, racial justice, research methods, social justice
Publications:- Co-authored with Jennifer Propp and Forest NewHeart, "Independence or interdependence: Rethinking the transition from "ward of the court" to adulthood" Families in Society Vol. 84 (2), 2003, 295-266.
- Co-authored with Yolanda Anyon,, "An exploration of the relationships between student racial background and the school sub-contexts of office discipline referrals: A critical race theory analysis" Race Ethnicity and Education Vol. 21 (3), 2018, 390-406.
- Co-authored with Lilia Cervantes, "The illness experience of undocumented immigrants with end-stage renal disease" JAMA Internal Medicine Vol.177 (4), 2017, 529-535.
- "How much support is too much? Parenting efficacy and social support" Children and Youth Services Review, 2002.
Phone: 303-871-3359
Office: DU, Craig Hall 477
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Trishula R. Patel
Trishula R. Patel, Ph.D., Georgetown University
Assistant Professor, Department of History
University of Denver
Specializations: African history, legal history, race and colonialism, South Asian history
Publications:- “Colonial Pasts and African Futures: Indian Participation in Civil Society in Eastern and Southern Africa in the Twentieth Century,” Georgetown Journal of International Affairs 23, no. 2 (2022): 161-168.
- “Three Times a State, Never a Nation: Indians in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe” in Xenophobia, Nativism, and Pan-Africanism in 21st Century Africa, eds. Sabella Abidde and Emmanuel Matambo (New York: Springer, 2021).
- “From the Subcontinent with Love: India and Activist Diplomacy in 20th Century Central Africa,” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East 41, no. 3 (2021): 455-468,
- “Played out on the Edges of the Cricket Boundary: The History of an Indian Cricket Team in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, 1934-1995,” Journal of Southern African Studies 45, no. 3 (2019): 465-483,
- “It’s Always Time for a Cheeky Nando’s: The Global Journey of an African Cuisine,” Perspectives on History 61, no. 6 (2023):
- “‘Two Separate Societies, Divided by Color’: Race, Colonialism, and Bridgerton,” Perspectives on History 60, no. 6 (2022):
- “Feeling Like an Interloper, But Claiming Space Anyway: The Minority Graduate Experience,” Perspectives on History 59, no. 4 (2021):
Courses:ASEM 2504: Land and Law in Africa
FSEM 1111: Pop Culture in Africa
HIST 1260: Modern South Asian History
HIST 1705: Modern African History
HIST 2885: Migration, Mobility, and Movement in Africa
HIST 2940: Sports and Empire
HIST 2998: Issues in Comparative History
HIST 3275: The Past and Afterlives of Apartheid
Phone: 303-871-2955
Office: Sturm Hall 370
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Dheepa Sundaram
Assistant Professor of Hindu Studies
Department of Religious Studies
University Denver
Specializations: South Asian Religious Traditions; Rituals, Praxis, Media and Performance; Gender, Caste and Performance in South Asia; Sanskrit and Tamil Poetics; Literature and Performance; Digital/Virtual Religion
Publications:- "Social media, hashtags and state-sponsored cultural marketing 1" in Digital Hinduism (Routledge, 2019)
- Current monograph project Globalizing Darśan: Virtual Soteriology and Hindu Branding
Modern Hinduism
"Woman as the Gateway to Hell": Gender and Identity in South Asia
History of Yoga
Religion in the Virtual Space
Performing India
Professional Label: South Asian Studies; South Asian Religious Traditions; Hindu Studies
Phone: 303.871.2888
Office: Sturm Hall 487F
Website: -
Ted Vial
Ted Vial, Ph.D., University of Chicago
Professor of Theology and Modern Western Religious Thought
Iliff School of Theology
Specializations: Modern Theology; Enlightenment and Post-Enlightenment Theories of Religions; Religion in the Public Square; Gender in Early German Romanticism
Publications:- Modern Religion, Modern Race (Oxford, 2016)
- Schleiermacher: A Guide for the Perplexed (T & T Clark, 2013)
- Liturgy Wars: Ritual Theory and Protestant Reform in Nineteenth-Century Zurich (Routledge, 2004)
- Ethical Monotheism, Past and Present: Essays in Honor of Wendell S. Dietrich, co-editor (Brown Judaic Studies, 2001)
Race and Religion
Religion, Gender, and Judaism
The Pantheism Controversy
The Atheism Controversy
Theory and Methods in the Study of Religion
Religion in the Public Square
Professional Label: Modern theology
Phone: (303) 765-3166
Office: Iliff School of Theology
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Religion and Politics
Santhosh Chandrashekar
Associate Professor
Department of Communication Studies
Specializations: Critical Ethnic and Race Studies; South Asian American Studies; Critical Religious Studies; Lingayat Studies; Intersectional Hindu Studies; South Asian religious traditions; Intersections of Caste, Race, and Gender; Kannada Studies
Publications:- De“naturalizing” Tech Worker Discourses of Unfairness. Departures in Critical Qualitative Research 1 June 2019; 8 (2): 73–81. doi:
- "Engendering threat in the guise of protection: Orientalism and Sikh vulnerability," in Journal of Multicultural Discourses, 12(4), 366-381.
- Chandrashekar, S. (2018). Not a Metaphor: Immigrant of Color Autoethnography as a Decolonial Move. Cultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies, 18(1), 72-79.
Modernity & Violence
Race, Difference, & Social Struggles
Feminist Theories
Critical Sexuality Studies
Professional Label: Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, South Asian American Studies; Lingayat Studies; Intersectional Hindu Studies -
Miguel De La Torre
Professor of Social Ethics and Latinx Studies
Iliff School of Theology
Specializations: Social and Political Ethics in the U.S.; Effects of religion on race, gender, and class; Liberationist ethics; Postmodern/postcolonial social theory; critical race theory; gender studies
Publications:- Reading José Martí from the Margins (Rowman & Littlefield, 2024)
- Doing Christian Ethics from the Margins (3rd ed.; Orbis Books, 2023)
- Decolonizing Christianity: Becoming Badass Believers (Eerdmans: 2021)
- Embracing Hopelessness (Fortress Press, 2017)
- Genesis: Belief, A Theological Commentary on the Bible (Westminster John Knox Press, 2011)
- Encyclopedia on Hispanic American Religious Culture, Vols. 1 and 2 (ABC-CLIO Publishers, 2009)
Fanon, Foucault, and Friends
Formative White Male Figures in Christian Ethics
Biblical Ethics
Professional Label: Social Ethics, Latinx Studies
Phone: (303) 765-3133
Office: Iliff School of Theology
Personal website:
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Joshua Hanan
Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies
Department of Communication Studies
University of Denver
Specializations: Rhetorical Theory and Criticism; Political Economy of Rhetoric; Old and New Materialism; Cultural Studies; Science and Technology Studies; Neoliberalism; Governmentality; Biopolitics
Publications:- Figures of Entanglement: Diffractive Readings of Barad, New Materialism, and Rhetorical Theory and Criticism. Co-edited with Chris Gamble. New York: Routledge. 2021.
- Communication and the Economy: History, Value and Agency. Co-edited with Mark Hayward. New York: Peter Lang, 2014.
- “Precarious Economies: Capitalism’s Creative Destruction in the Age of Neoliberal Campus Planning” Co-authored with Phillip Goodwin, Rubén Casas, Ralph Cintron, Leslie L. Rossman, and Nick J. Sciullo. Review of Communication 20.2 (2020): 152-160.
- “Critical & Rhetorical Ways of Knowing.” Co-authored with Chris Gamble. In B. H. Spitzberg, D. J. Canary, and H. E. Canary (Eds.), The Communication Capstone: The Communication Inquiry and Theory Experience (CITE) (pp. 76-91). San Diego, CA: Cognella, 2020.
Critical Cultural Approaches to Rhetorical Criticism
Rhetoric and Materialism
Rhetoric and Affect Theory
Rhetoric and Critical Theory
Performativity and/as Disability
Rhetoric and Neoliberalism
Rhetoric and Biopolitics
Rhetoric and Technology
Professional Label: Rhetorical Theory, Rhetorical Theory and Criticism, Critical Theory and Cultural Studies, Rhetoric of Economics
Phone: 303-871-4321
Office: DU, Sturm Hall, Room 297
Personal website: -
Jason Jeffries
Assistant Professor, Religious Studies
University of Denver
Specialization: African American Religions; Religion and Popular Culture; Embodiment and Religion; Critical Race Theory; Black Mythology; Psychology of Religion; Black Sacred Rhetoric and Religion; Black Pentecostalism
Phone: 303-871-4713
Office: University of Denver
April M. Mack
April M. Mack, Ph.D., University of Denver/Iliff School of Theology
Assistant Professor of Religion and Social Justice
Iliff School of TheologySpecializations: Black and Womanist Theologies, Christian Ethics, Religious Studies, Religious Violence, African American Identity/Experience in the US
Publications:- Mack, April, “Womanist Ethics as a Contribution to Bioethics,” in A Critical Moment in Bioethics: Reckoning with Anti-Black Racism through Intergenerational Dialogue, ed. Fletcher, Faith E. et al., special report, Hastings Center Report 52, no. 2 (2022): S69– S71. DOI: 10.1002/hast.1376.
- Woodson, April, “I Can’t Breathe”: Neocolonial Geotrauma and Violence in the Age of Trump. De La Torre, Miguel A. (2021). Faith and Reckoning after Trump. Orbis Books.
- Woodson, April Michelle, "“Dialogical Offense:” A Postcolonial Womanist Deconstruction of the Colonial Experience of African American Women Through U.S. Institutional Apparatus Known as Criminal Justice Policy" (2020). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 1870.
Black Theology: From Cone to Warnock
Womanist Theoethics
Social Issues, Social Ethics
Public Policy: Design, Intersectionality, and Praxis
Feminist Theoethics
God, Religion, and Violence
Race, Religion, and Public Policy as Colonial Tools
Professional Labels:
A decolonial Black feminist scholar and theo-ethicist concerned with ethics related to complex social issues, structural inequality, and holistic justice for marginalized peoples.
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Thomas Nail
Professor of Philosophy
Department of Philosophy
University of Denver
Specializations: European Philosophy; Political Philosophy; Environmental Philosophy, Process Philosophy, New Materialism
Publications:- Theory of the Earth (Stanford University Press, 2021)
- Marx in Motion: A New Materialist Marxism (Oxford University Press, 2020)
- Theory of the Image (Oxford University Press, 2019)
- Being and Motion (Oxford University Press, 2018)
- Theory of the Border (Oxford University Press, 2016)
Great Thinkers: Virginia Woolf
Philosophy of Movement
Between Deuluze and Foucault
Professional Label: Philosophy of Movement, Kinetic Philosophy
Phone: 303-871-3272
Office: DU, Sturm Hall 261
Personal website: -
Marco J. Nathan
Marco J. Nathan, Ph.D., Columbia University
Professor, Chair of Department of Philosophy
University of Denver
Specializations: Phil. of Science, Phil. of Biology, Phil. of Neuroscience, Psychology and Cognitive Science, Phil. of Mind and Language, Logic, Phil. of Economics, Metaphysics, Epistemology
Publications:- Black Boxes: How Science Turns Ignorance into Knowledge (New York: Oxford University Press, 2021)
- Rethinking Publications: Aging, Special Issue of History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences. Co-edited with A. Blasimme and G. Boniolo, 2021.
- `Prediction, Explanation, and the Toolbox Problem,' In J. Bickle, C. Craver, & A. Barwich, The Tools of Neuroscience Experiment: Philosophical and Scientific Perspectives, New York: Routledge, in press.
- `Mob Rules: Towards a Causal Account of Social Structure' American Philosophical Quarterly, 59(1), pp. 11-26, 2022 (with A. Borghini)
- `Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? From Biological Age to Biological Time,' History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43: 26, 2021.
The Specter of Scientism; Topics in Metaphysics: Universals; Logic, Language, and Metaphysics; Philosophy of Economics; Philosophy of Mind; Philosophy of Science
Professional Label: Philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, metaphysics.
Phone: 303-871-2767
Office: DU, Sturm Hall 264
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Carl Raschke
Carl A. Raschke, Ph.D., Harvard University
Professor of Philosophy of Religion
Department of Religious Studies, University of Denver
Specializations: Continental Philosophy/Philosophy of Religion; Political Philosophy/Political Theology; Globalization Theory
Publications:- Neoliberalism and Political Theology: From Kant to Identity Politics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2019.
- Postmodern Theology: A Biopic. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2017. ISBN 1498203892.
- Critical Theology: Introducing an Agenda for an Age of Global Crisis. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2016. ISBN 9780830851294.
- Force of God: Political Theology and the Crisis of Liberal Democracy. New York: Columbia University Press, 2015. ISBN 9780231539623.
- Postmodernism and the Revolution in Religious Theory: Toward a Semiotics of the Event. Studies in Religion and Culture. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia Press, 2012. ISBN 9780813933085.
Globalization and Religion
Political Theory
Theory of the Subject
Kant on Religion
Phone: 303-871-3117
Office: DU, Sturm Hall 273
Personal website:
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Andrea L. Stanton
Professor of Islamic Studies,
Department of Religious Studies, University of Denver
Specializations: Islamic Studies; Middle Eastern history; media and politics; nationalism and sovereignty
Publications:- Kaneva, Ndezhda S., and Andrea Stanton. “An Alternative Vision Of Statehood: Islamic State's Ideological Challenge To The Nation-State.” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 46, no. 5, (2023): 640-658.
- Stanton, Andrea. The Wireless World: Global Histories Of International Radio Broadcasting. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 2022.
- Stanton, Andrea. “Sober Masculinity And Nurturing Femininity: A Gendered Analysis Of The Syrian Presidency Instagram Account.” Place Branding and Public Diplomacy 18, no. 4, (2022): 346-356.
- Stanton, Andrea. “From Mecca With Love: Muslim Religious Apps And The Centering Of Sacred Geography.” In Cyber Muslims: Mapping Islamic Digital Media In The Internet Age. 161-175 London: Bloomsbury. 2022.
- Stanton, Andrea L. “Can Imperial Radio Be Transnational? British-Affiliated Arabic Radio Broadcasting In The Interwar Period.” History Compass 18, no. 1, (2020):
- Stanton, Andrea L. “Saudi Arabia's Ministry Of Hajj Apps: Managing The Operations And Piety Of The Hajj.” Journal of Religion, Media, and Digital Culture, (2020).
- Stanton, Andrea. “Locating Palestine's Summer Residence: Mandate Tourism And National Identity.” Journal of Palestine Studies 47, no. 2, (2018): 44-63.
- Stanton, Andrea. “The Search For A Young Imam Begins Now: Imam Muda And Civilizational Islam In Malaysia.” In Religion And Reality Tv Faith In Late Capitalism. Routledge. 2018.
- Stanton, Andrea. “Islamic Emoticons And Religious Authority: Emerging Practices, Shifting Paradigms.” Journal of Contemporary Islam, (2017).
- Stanton, Andrea. This Is Jerusalem Calling: State Radio In Mandate Palestine. Austin, USA: University of Texas Press. 2013. 260.
Contemporary Islam
Qur’an and Hadith
Islamic Fundamentalisms
Professional Label: Islamic Studies
Phone: 303-871-3503
Office: DU, Sturm Hall 272 -
Dheepa Sundaram
Assistant Professor of Hindu Studies
Department of Religious Studies
University Denver
Specializations: South Asian Religious Traditions; Rituals, Praxis, Media and Performance; Gender, Caste and Performance in South Asia; Sanskrit and Tamil Poetics; Literature and Performance; Digital/Virtual Religion
Publications:- "Social media, hashtags and state-sponsored cultural marketing 1" in Digital Hinduism (Routledge, 2019)
- Current monograph project Globalizing Darśan: Virtual Soteriology and Hindu Branding
Modern Hinduism
"Woman as the Gateway to Hell": Gender and Identity in South Asia
History of Yoga
Religion in the Virtual Space
Performing India
Professional Label: South Asian Studies; South Asian Religious Traditions; Hindu Studies
Phone: 303.871.2888
Office: Sturm Hall 487F
Personal website: -
Ted Vial
Ted Vial, Ph.D., University of Chicago
Professor of Theology and Modern Western Religious Thought
Iliff School of Theology
Specializations: Modern Theology; Enlightenment and Post-Enlightenment Theories of Religions; Religion in the Public Square; Gender in Early German Romanticism
Publications:- Modern Religion, Modern Race (Oxford, 2016)
- Schleiermacher: A Guide for the Perplexed (T & T Clark, 2013)
- Liturgy Wars: Ritual Theory and Protestant Reform in Nineteenth-Century Zurich (Routledge, 2004)
- Ethical Monotheism, Past and Present: Essays in Honor of Wendell S. Dietrich, co-editor (Brown Judaic Studies, 2001)
Race and Religion
Religion, Gender, and Judaism
The Pantheism Controversy
The Atheism Controversy
Theory and Methods in the Study of Religion
Religion in the Public Square
Professional Label: Modern theology
Phone: (303) 765-3166
Office: Iliff School of Theology
More Info
Theories of Religion
Santhosh Chandrashekar
Associate Professor
Department of Communication Studies
University of Denver
Specializations: Critical Ethnic and Race Studies; South Asian American Studies; Critical Religious Studies; Lingayat Studies; Intersectional Hindu Studies; South Asian religious traditions; Intersections of Caste, Race, and Gender; Kannada Studies
Publications:- De“naturalizing” Tech Worker Discourses of Unfairness. Departures in Critical Qualitative Research 1 June 2019; 8 (2): 73–81. doi:
- "Engendering threat in the guise of protection: Orientalism and Sikh vulnerability," in Journal of Multicultural Discourses, 12(4), 366-381.
- Chandrashekar, S. (2018). Not a Metaphor: Immigrant of Color Autoethnography as a Decolonial Move. Cultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies, 18(1), 72-79.
Modernity & Violence
Race, Difference, & Social Struggles
Feminist Theories
Critical Sexuality Studies
Professional Label: Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, South Asian American Studies; Lingayat Studies; Intersectional Hindu Studies
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Pamela Eisenbaum
Professor of Biblical Studies and Christian Origins
Iliff School of Theology
Specializations: Paul; Epistle to the Hebrews; Jewish-Christian relations; biblical manuscripts; history of biblical interpretation; formation of the canon; the Bible and technology; comparative scripture
Publications:- Paul Was Not a Christian: The Original Message of a Misunderstood Apostle. San Francisco: HarperOne, 2009.
- Invitation to Romans. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2006.
- The Jewish Heroes of Christian History: Hebrews 11 in Literary Context. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1997.
Formation of the Bible
New Testament Language and Text
Epistle to the Romans
Professional Label: Biblical Studies; Early Judaism; New Testament and Christian Origins
Phone: (303) 765-3167
Office: Iliff School of Theology -
Joshua Hanan
Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies
Department of Communication Studies
University of Denver
Specializations: Rhetorical Theory and Criticism; Political Economy of Rhetoric; Old and New Materialism; Cultural Studies; Science and Technology Studies; Neoliberalism; Governmentality; Biopolitics
Publications:- Figures of Entanglement: Diffractive Readings of Barad, New Materialism, and Rhetorical Theory and Criticism. Co-edited with Chris Gamble. New York: Routledge. 2021.
- Communication and the Economy: History, Value and Agency. Co-edited with Mark Hayward. New York: Peter Lang, 2014.
- “Precarious Economies: Capitalism’s Creative Destruction in the Age of Neoliberal Campus Planning,” Co-authored with Phillip Goodwin, Rubén Casas, Ralph Cintron, Leslie L. Rossman, and Nick J. Sciullo. Review of Communication 20.2 (2020): 152-160.
- “Critical & Rhetorical Ways of Knowing.” Co-authored with Chris Gamble. In B. H. Spitzberg, D. J. Canary, and H. E. Canary (Eds.), The Communication Capstone: The Communication Inquiry and Theory Experience (CITE) (pp. 76-91). San Diego, CA: Cognella, 2020.
Critical Cultural Approaches to Rhetorical Criticism
Rhetoric and Materialism
Rhetoric and Affect Theory
Rhetoric and Critical Theory
Performativity and/as Disability
Rhetoric and Neoliberalism
Rhetoric and Biopolitics
Rhetoric and Technology
Professional Label: Rhetorical Theory, Rhetorical Theory and Criticism, Critical Theory and Cultural Studies, Rhetoric of Economics
Phone: 303-871-4321
Office: DU, Sturm Hall, Room 297
Personal website: -
W. Scott Howard
Professor, English Department
University of Denver
Specializations: Renaissance & Early Modern Literature and Culture; Modern & Postmodern American Poetry; Poetics & Historiography; Literary & Cultural Theory; Digital Humanities
Publications:- Archive and Artifact: Susan Howe’s Factual Telepathy. Greenfield, MA: Talisman House, 2019.
- Poetics and Praxis ‘After’ Objectivism. Ed. W. Scott Howard and Broc Rossell. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2018:
- “Katherine Philips’s Elegies and Historical Figuration.” Women’s Writing 24.3 (2017): 313-331. Routledge / Taylor & Francis online (2016):
- “WYSIWYG Poetics: Reconfiguring the Fields for Creative Writers & Scholars.” The Journal of Electronic Publishing. Ed. Aaron McCollough. 14.2 (2011):
- “Prophecy, Power, and Religious Dissent.” A History of Early Modern Women’s Writing. Ed. Patricia Phillippy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018. 315-331.
Courses: Shakespeare, Critical Essay, Susan Howe and Vulnerability, Documentary Poetics and Praxis, Poetics Research, 'After' Objectivism, the Matter of Revolution
Professional Label: modern and postmodern American poetry; Renaissance and early modern literature & culture; critical theory, poetics, and historiography; fine press & small press book arts; digital humanities.
Phone: 303-871-2887
Office: DU, Sturm Hall 387E -
Jason Jeffries
Assistant Professor, Religious Studies
University of Denver
Specialization: African American Religions; Religion and Popular Culture; Embodiment and Religion; Critical Race Theory; Black Mythology; Psychology of Religion; Black Sacred Rhetoric and Religion; Black Pentecostalism
Phone: 303-871-4713
Office: University of Denver -
Thomas Nail
Professor of Philosophy
Department of Philosophy
University of Denver
Specializations: European Philosophy; Political Philosophy; Environmental Philosophy, Process Philosophy, New Materialism
Publications:- Theory of the Earth (Stanford University Press, 2021)
- Marx in Motion: A New Materialist Marxism (Oxford University Press, 2020)
- Theory of the Image (Oxford University Press, 2019)
- Being and Motion (Oxford University Press, 2018)
- Theory of the Border (Oxford University Press, 2016)
Great Thinkers: Virginia Woolf
Philosophy of Movement
Between Deuluze and Foucault
Professional Label: Philosophy of Movement, Kinetic Philosophy
Phone: 303-871-3272
Office: DU, Sturm Hall 261
Personal website: -
Sarah Pessin
Professor of Philosophy and Jewish Thought, Department of Philosophy; Hecht Interfaith Chair; Center for Judaic Studies
University of Denver
Specialization: Jewish philosophy; Neoplatonisms; Comparative Jewish, Islamic and Christian medieval philosophy; Modern Jewish philosophy; post-Holocaust theology (esp. Levinas); philosophical theology; philosophy of religion
Publications:- Pessin, S. (2021). Emanationist Powers: Plotinus, Theology of Aristotle, and Ibn Gabirol. In J. Jorati (Ed.), Powers: A History (pp. 56-81). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
- Pessin, S. (2019). The Jewish Tradition. (B. Foltz, Ed.), Medieval Philosophy: A Multicultural Reader. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
- Pessin, S. (2018). America’s Love Problem: How Oprah’s Call to Friendship Feeds Bannon’s Call to Racism (or: On Three Strains of Liberal Lovesickness). Political Theology Network. Retrieved from
- Pessin, S. (2017). Khoric Apophasis: Matter and Messianicity in Islamo-Judeo-Greek Neoplatonism. In M. Fagenblat (Ed.), Negative Theology as Jewish Modernity. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
- Pessin, S. (2014). Islamic and Jewish Neoplatonisms. In P. Remes & S. Slaveva-Griffin (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Neoplatonism (pp. 541-58). Durham: Acumen Press/ Routledge.
- Pessin, S. (2013). Ibn Gabirol's Theology of Desire: Matter and Method in Jewish Medieval Neoplatonism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Jewish Philosophy
Philosophy of Religion
Religious Existentialism
Medieval Philosophy (Islamic, Jewish, Christian)
Professional Label: Comparative Neoplatonisms; Jewish Philosophy; Comparative Medieval Philosophy; Philosophical Theology; Post-Holocaust Theology; Levinas
Phone: 303-871-7731
Office: DU, Sturm Hall 265
Personal website:
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Carl A. Raschke
Carl A. Raschke, Ph.D., Harvard University
Professor of Philosophy of Religion
Department of Religious Studies, University of Denver
Specializations: Continental Philosophy/Philosophy of Religion; Political Philosophy/Political Theology; Globalization Theory
Publications:- Neoliberalism and Political Theology: From Kant to Identity Politics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2019.
- Postmodern Theology: A Biopic. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2017. ISBN 1498203892.
- Critical Theology: Introducing an Agenda for an Age of Global Crisis. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2016. ISBN 9780830851294.
- Force of God: Political Theology and the Crisis of Liberal Democracy. New York: Columbia University Press, 2015. ISBN 9780231539623.
- Postmodernism and the Revolution in Religious Theory: Toward a Semiotics of the Event . Studies in Religion and Culture. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia Press, 2012. ISBN 9780813933085.
Globalization and Religion
Political Theory
Theory of the Subject
Kant on Religion
Phone: 303-871-3117
Office: DU, Sturm Hall 273
Personal website:
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Naomi Reshotko
Professor; Department of Philosophy; Former JDP Assistant Director
University of Denver
Specializations: Ancient Greek Philosophy; Plato; Aristotle; Philosophy of Mind; Metaphysics; Epistemology
Publications:- Reshotko, Naomi. Opining Beauty Itself: The Ordinary Person and Plato's Forms. New York: State University of New York Press, 2022.
- Reshotko, Naomi. “Cosmology and Ananke in the Timaeus and Our Knowledge of the Forms.” Apeiron 55.4 (2022): 509-535.
- Reshotko, Naomi. “The Question Is Not 'Can Virtue Be Taught?' but 'Can Virtue Be Learned?'.” Skill In Ancient Ethics: The Legacy Of China, Greece, And Rome. Ed. Angier, Tom and Lisa Raphals. London: Bloomsbury, 2021.
- Reshotko, Naomi. “Opining Beauty Itself in Republic V.” International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 14.1 (2020): 5-22.
- Reshotko, Naomi. “Plato's Middle Period Epistemology.” The History Of Epistemology Volume 1. Ed. Smith, Nicholas D. I. London/New York, UK/USA: Bloomsbury Academic, 2018.
- Reshotko, Naomi. “Plato on the Ordinary Person and the Form.” Apeiron 47.2 (2014): 266-292.
- Reshotko, Naomi. “A Philosophical Model for the Assessing the Value of the Tamarisk.” Tamarix: A Case Study Of Ecological Change In The American West. Ed. Sher, Anna and Martin Quigley. Vol. 1. Oxford, UK: N.p., 2013: 308-315.
- Reshotko, Naomi. Socratic Virtue: Making the Best of the Neither Good nor Bad. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Plato's Metaphysics
Great Thinkers: Aristotle
Socratic Ethics
Professional Label: Ancient Greek Philosophy
Phone: 303-871-2765
Office: DU, Sturm Hall 489 -
Dheepa Sundaram
Assistant Professor of Hindu Studies
Department of Religious Studies
University Denver
Specializations: South Asian Religious Traditions; Rituals, Praxis, Media and Performance; Gender, Caste and Performance in South Asia; Sanskrit and Tamil Poetics; Literature and Performance; Digital/Virtual Religion
Publications:- "Social media, hashtags and state-sponsored cultural marketing 1" in Digital Hinduism (Routledge, 2019)
- Current monograph project Globalizing Darśan: Virtual Soteriology and Hindu Branding
Modern Hinduism
"Woman as the Gateway to Hell": Gender and Identity in South Asia
History of Yoga
Religion in the Virtual Space
Performing India
Professional Label: South Asian Studies; South Asian Religious Traditions; Hindu Studies
Phone: 303.871.2888
Office: Sturm Hall 487F
Personal website: -
Ted Vial
Ted Vial, Ph.D., University of Chicago
Professor of Theology and Modern Western Religious Thought
Iliff School of Theology
Specializations: Modern Theology; Enlightenment and Post-Enlightenment Theories of Religions; Religion in the Public Square; Gender in Early German Romanticism
Publications:- Modern Religion, Modern Race (Oxford, 2016)
- Schleiermacher: A Guide for the Perplexed (T & T Clark, 2013)
- Liturgy Wars: Ritual Theory and Protestant Reform in Nineteenth-Century Zurich (Routledge, 2004)
- Ethical Monotheism, Past and Present: Essays in Honor of Wendell S. Dietrich, co-editor (Brown Judaic Studies, 2001)
Race and Religion
Religion, Gender, and Judaism
The Pantheism Controversy
The Atheism Controversy
Theory and Methods in the Study of Religion
Religion in the Public Square
Professional Label: Modern theology
Phone: (303) 765-3166
Office: Iliff School of Theology
More Info
Religion and Human Experience
Antony Alumkal
Associate Professor of Sociology of Religion
Iliff School of Theology
Specializations: Effects of race, ethnicity and immigration on religion in the United States; cultural and institutional aspects of American mainline and evangelical Protestantism; dynamics of congregations
Publications:- Paranoid Science: The Christian Right's War on Reality (New York: New York University Press, 2017)
- “Racial Justice in the Protestant Mainline: Liberalism and Its Limits,” in Faith and Race in American Political Life, eds. Robin Jacobson and Nancy Wadsworth (University of Virginia Press, 2012)
- “American Evangelicalism in the Post-Civil Rights Era: A Racial Formation Theory Analysis,” Sociology of Religion 65 (2004): 195-213
Race and Religion in the United States
Science and the Christian Right
Professional Label: Sociology of Religion
Phone: (303) 765-3131
Office: Iliff School of Theology
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Philip R. Butler
Philip R. Butler, Ph.D., Claremont School of Theology
Assistant Professor of Theology and
Black Posthuman Artificial Intelligence Systems
Iliff School of Theology
Specialization: the intersections of neuroscience, technology, spirituality and Blackness
Publications:- “Beyond the Zoomiverse” in Ecclesiology for a Digital Church: Theological Reflections on a New Normal, ed. by Heidi Campbell and John Dyer (London: SCM Press, 2022), 155-166.
- “Blackness: Spectres and Monsters are the Future of Theological Subjectivity." Concilium 3 (2021): 21-30.
- “Aime Césaire” Political Theology Network: Critical Theory for Political Theology 2.0, ed. by Alex Dubliet and Vincent LLoyd, June 15, 2021.
- “A Black Tetratic Future: Blackness and the Age of Hyper-Exponentiation (Hyper-4)” Critical Black Futures: Volume I, ed. by Philip Butler, Springer Nature (2021): 37-60.
- Black Transhuman Liberation Theology: Technology and Spirituality (Bloomsbury Academic, 2019).
Decolonizing AI
Data Storytelling
Black Theology
Post-/Transhumanism & Process Thought
Black Posthumanism
Neuroscience, Spirituality & Blackness
Professional Labels: Black posthumanism, artificial intelligence, and pluriversal future realities.
Phone: 303.765.3124
Office: Iliff School of Theology
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Santhosh Chandrashekar
Associate Professor
Department of Communication Studies
University of Denver
Specializations: Critical Ethnic and Race Studies; South Asian American Studies; Critical Religious Studies; Lingayat Studies; Intersectional Hindu Studies; South Asian religious traditions; Intersections of Caste, Race, and Gender; Kannada Studies
Publications:- De“naturalizing” Tech Worker Discourses of Unfairness. Departures in Critical Qualitative Research 1 June 2019; 8 (2): 73–81. doi:
- "Engendering threat in the guise of protection: Orientalism and Sikh vulnerability," in Journal of Multicultural Discourses, 12(4), 366-381.
- Chandrashekar, S. (2018). Not a Metaphor: Immigrant of Color Autoethnography as a Decolonial Move. Cultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies, 18(1), 72-79.
Modernity & Violence
Race, Difference, & Social Struggles
Feminist Theories
Critical Sexuality Studies
Professional Label: Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, South Asian American Studies; Lingayat Studies; Intersectional Hindu Studies
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Sandra L. Dixon
Sandra L. Dixon , Ph.D., University of Chicago
Associate Professor in Psychology of Religion
Department of Religious Studies
University of Denver
Specializations: Religion and the Human Sciences; Religion and Psychology; Moral Reasoning
Publications:- Dixon, S. L., Doody, J., & Paffenroth, K. (Eds.). (2013). Augustine and Psychology. Lanham, MD, USA: Lexington Books.
- Dixon, S. L. (2013). Reading Augustine, Monica, Milan with Attention to Cultural Interpretation and Psychological Theory. In S. L. Dixon, J. Doody, & K. Paffenroth (Eds.), Augustine and Psychology (pp. 39-67). Lanham, MD, USA: Lexington Books.
- Dixon, S. L. (2013). Teaching Freud and Interpreting Augustine's CONFESSIONS. (S. L. Dixon, J. Doody, & K. Paffenroth, Eds.), Augustine and Psychology. Lanham, MD, USA: Lexington Books.
- Dixon, S. L. (2013). Ethics. Encyclopedia of Sciences and Religions. Heidelberg, Germany: Encyclopedia of Sciences and Religions.
- Dixon, S. L. (1999). Augustine: The Scattered and Gathered Self. St. Louis, MO, United States : Chalice Press.
Professional Labels: psychology of religion, moral psychology, cultural psychology, St. Augustine, religion and moral psychology
Phone: 303-871-2753
Office: DU, Sturm Hall 488
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Joshua Hanan
Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies
Department of Communication Studies
University of Denver
Specializations: Rhetorical Theory and Criticism; Political Economy of Rhetoric; Old and New Materialism; Cultural Studies; Science and Technology Studies; Neoliberalism; Governmentality; Biopolitics
Publications:- Figures of Entanglement: Diffractive Readings of Barad, New Materialism, and Rhetorical Theory and Criticism. Co-edited with Chris Gamble. New York: Routledge. 2021.
- Communication and the Economy: History, Value and Agency. Co-edited with Mark Hayward. New York: Peter Lang, 2014.
- “Precarious Economies: Capitalism’s Creative Destruction in the Age of Neoliberal Campus Planning” Co-authored with Phillip Goodwin, Rubén Casas, Ralph Cintron, Leslie L. Rossman, and Nick J. Sciullo. Review of Communication 20.2 (2020): 152-160.
- “Critical & Rhetorical Ways of Knowing.” Co-authored with Chris Gamble. In B. H. Spitzberg, D. J. Canary, and H. E. Canary (Eds.), The Communication Capstone: The Communication Inquiry and Theory Experience (CITE) (pp. 76-91). San Diego, CA: Cognella, 2020.
Critical Cultural Approaches to Rhetorical Criticism
Rhetoric and Materialism
Rhetoric and Affect Theory
Rhetoric and Critical Theory
Performativity and/as Disability
Rhetoric and Neoliberalism
Rhetoric and Biopolitics
Rhetoric and Technology
Professional Label: Rhetorical Theory, Rhetorical Theory and Criticism, Critical Theory and Cultural Studies, Rhetoric of Economics
Phone: 303-871-4321
Office: DU, Sturm Hall, Room 297
Personal website:
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Albert Hernández
Associate Professor of the History of Christianity
Iliff School of Theology
Specializations: History of Christianity from Medieval to Early Modern Periods (c. 1100-1650); Religious diversity in Medieval Spain; Mysticism and Pneumatology in Christian History
Publications:- Subversive Fire: The Untold Story of Pentecost (Emeth Press, 2010)
- The Quest for the Historical Satan co-authored with Miguel A. De La Torre,(Fortress Press 2011)
Introduction to the History of Christianity
The Holy Spirit: History and Traditions
Violence and Toleration in Medieval Europe
Sixteenth Century Mystics and Reformers
Happiness: A History
Christianity in the Middle Ages
Phone: 303-765-3180
Office: Iliff School of Theology
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W. Scott Howard
Professor, English Department
University of Denver
Specializations: Renaissance & Early Modern Literature and Culture; Modern & Postmodern American Poetry; Poetics & Historiography; Literary & Cultural Theory; Digital Humanities
Publications:- Archive and Artifact: Susan Howe’s Factual Telepathy. Greenfield, MA: Talisman House, 2019.
- Poetics and Praxis ‘After’ Objectivism. Ed. W. Scott Howard and Broc Rossell. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2018:
- “Katherine Philips’s Elegies and Historical Figuration.” Women’s Writing 24.3 (2017): 313-331. Routledge / Taylor & Francis online (2016):
- “WYSIWYG Poetics: Reconfiguring the Fields for Creative Writers & Scholars.” The Journal of Electronic Publishing. Ed. Aaron McCollough. 14.2 (2011):
- “Prophecy, Power, and Religious Dissent.” A History of Early Modern Women’s Writing. Ed. Patricia Phillippy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018. 315-331.
Courses: Shakespeare, Critical Essay, Susan Howe and Vulnerability, Documentary Poetics and Praxis, Poetics Research, 'After' Objectivism, the Matter of Revolution
Professional Label: modern and postmodern American poetry; Renaissance and early modern literature & culture; critical theory, poetics, and historiography; fine press & small press book arts; digital humanities.
Phone: 303-871-2887
Office: DU, Sturm Hall 387E -
Jason Jeffries
Assistant Professor, Religious Studies
University of Denver
Specialization: African American Religions; Religion and Popular Culture; Embodiment and Religion; Critical Race Theory; Black Mythology; Psychology of Religion; Black Sacred Rhetoric and Religion; Black Pentecostalism
Phone: 303-871-4713
Office: University of Denver
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Kishundra King
Assistant Professor of Pastoral and Spiritual Care
Iliff School of TheologySpecializations: Pastoral Theology; Pastoral Care & Counseling; Womanist Theology & Practice; Womanist Practical Theology; Childhood Studies; Womanist Ethnography; Qualitative Research
Lectures & Paper Presentations:- Being Womanish: Revisiting and Reimagining Black Girlhood
- Embodiment, Spirituality, and Self Care in Social Activist Work
- A Kaleidoscope Analysis: Toward a Womanish/st Theology
Courses:Intro to Pastoral & Spiritual Care and Counseling
Womanist Pastoral Theology & Care
Practical Theology
Psychodynamic Perspectives in Pastoral Care
Professional Label: Womanist Pastoral & Practical Theologian; Religion, Psychology, & Culture
Phone: (303) 765-3192
Office: Iliff School of Theology
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Kristina Lizardy-Hajbi
Kristina Lizardy-Hajbi, Ph.D., University of Colorado
Associate Professor of Leadership and Formation; Director of the Office of Professional Formation
Iliff School of Theology
Specializations: Leadership theory and praxis; congregational and community formation and change; applied research methods; U.S. Christianities; critical approaches for ministry praxis
Publications:- Unraveling Religious Leadership: Power, Authority, and Decoloniality (Fortress Press, 2024)
- Explore: Vocational Discovery in Ministry (Rowman & Littlefield, 2022)
- “Latino Congregations: Trends from the Faith Communities Today (FACT) and Exploring the Pandemic Impact on Congregations (EPIC) Studies” (Hartford Institute for Religion Research, 2023)
- “How Can We Learn Across Difference? A Conversation about Ethical Research and Writing vis-a-vis Identity and Positionality,” Journal of Religious Leadership 21.2 (2022): 123-42
- “Theological Field Education as a Bridge across Disciplines,” Religions 12.1 (2021)
- “Processes toward Post/Decolonial Pastoral Leaderships,” Journal of Religious Leadership 20.1 (Spring 2021): 136-67
- “Frameworks toward Post/Decolonial Pastoral Leaderships,” Journal of Religious Leadership 19.2 (Autumn 2020): 100-30
- “Engaging Young Adults: American Congregations 2015,” Faith Communities Today (Hartford Institute for Religion Research, 2016)
- “Kirkwood United Church of Christ,” in How Religious Congregations Are Engaging Young Adults in America, eds. M. Sahlin and D. Roozen (Hartford Institute for Religion Research, 2015): 111-36.
Research Methods and Ethics in Lived Religion/Practical Theology
Leadership and Organizational Development
Decolonizing Congregational Leadership
Professional Label: Social Science and Religion; Practical/Praxis Theology; Leadership and Education
Phone: 303-765-3116
Office: Iliff School of Theology
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Daniel N. McIntosh
Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychology
University of Denver
Specializations: Social Psychology; Emotions; Coping; interested in Study of Spiritual Exercises
Publications:- Van Tongeren, D. R., Pennington, A., McIntosh, D. N., Newton, A. T., Green, J. D., Davis, D. E., & Hook, J. N. (2017). Where, O death, is thy sting? The meaning-providing function of beliefs in literal immortality. Mental Health, Religion, and Culture, 20, 413-427. doi 10.1080/13674676.2017.1355358.
- McIntosh, D. N., & Newton, A. (2013). An explicit request for minitheories in the psychology of religion and spirituality. International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 23(4), 261-270. doi:10.1080/10508619.2013.795805
- Van Tongeren, D. R., McIntosh, D. N., Raad, J. M., & Pae, J. (2013). The existential function of intrinsic religiousness: Moderation of effects of priming religion on intercultural tolerance and afterlife anxiety, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 52,508-523
- McIntosh, D. N., Poulin, M. J., Silver, R. C., & Holman, E. A. (2011). The distinct roles of spirituality and religiosity in physical and mental health after collective trauma: A national longitudinal study of responses to the 9/11 attacks. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 34, 497–507. DOI: 10.1007/s10865-011-9331
Courses on Social Psychology with a focus on emotions and the psychology of religion
Professional Label: Social Psychology; Psychology of Religion
Phone: 303-871-2112
Office: DU, Nagel Hall 064
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Paul Michalec
Paul Michalec, Ph.D., University of Colorado at Boulder
Clinical Professor, Curriculum and Instruction
Morgridge College of Education, University of Denver
Specializations: Spirituality in education; The inner life of educators; Effective forms of instruction; Foundations of education; Educator coaching and mentoring
Publications:- Michalec, P. (2016-2022). IN:SIGHT In this blog I explore the inner life of teaching as a profession and personally.
- Michalec, P. (2022). Expanding the Landscape of Wholeness: The Spirituality of Teacher Preparation. Democracy and Education, volume 30, Number 2, pp. 1-7.
- Riordan, D.; Michalec, P. & Newburgh, K. (2022). Kierkegaard and the Power of Existential Doubt in Teaching: Transformation of Self and Profession. In A. Zimmerman (Editor), Problematizing the Profession of Teaching from an Existential Perspective, Information Age Publishing.
- Michalec, P. (2020). Disrupting the Disimagination Machine: Reflections on Courage in the Classroom. Professing Education. 18 (1&2); spring and summer.
- Michalec, P. &. Newburgh, K. (2018). Deep Practices: Advancing Equity by Creating a Space and Language for the Inner Core of Teaching. Teacher Education & Practice. 31(1).
- Michalec, P. & Brower, G. (2012). Soul and Role Dialogues in Higher Education: Healing the Divided Self. New Directions in Teaching and Learning, 130, 15-25.
- Michalec, P. (2002). A Calling to Teach: Faith and the Spiritual Dimensions of Teaching. Encounter: Education for Meaning and Social Justice, 15, 5-14.
Courses: Introduction to Curriculum, History of American Education, Philosophy of Education, Spirituality in Education, Curriculum Theory Into Practice, The Practice of Teaching, Analysis of Teaching, Transformational Teaching and Learning.
Professional Label: Education, Holistic/prophetic tradition, Professional development, Courage to teach
Phone: 303-871-7952
Office: KRH-343, College of Education
Personal website:
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Marco J. Nathan
Marco J. Nathan, Ph.D., Columbia University
Professor, Chair of Department of Philosophy
University of Denver
Specializations: Phil. of Science, Phil. of Biology, Phil. of Neuroscience, Psychology and Cognitive Science, Phil. of Mind and Language, Logic, Phil. of Economics, Metaphysics, Epistemology
Publications:- Black Boxes: How Science Turns Ignorance into Knowledge (New York: Oxford University Press, 2021)
- Rethinking Publications: Aging, Special Issue of History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences. Co-edited with A. Blasimme and G. Boniolo, 2021.
- `Prediction, Explanation, and the Toolbox Problem,' In J. Bickle, C. Craver, & A. Barwich, The Tools of Neuroscience Experiment: Philosophical and Scientific Perspectives, New York: Routledge, in press.
- `Mob Rules: Towards a Causal Account of Social Structure' American Philosophical Quarterly, 59(1), pp. 11-26, 2022 (with A. Borghini)
- `Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? From Biological Age to Biological Time,' History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43: 26, 2021.
The Specter of Scientism; Topics in Metaphysics: Universals; Logic, Language, and Metaphysics; Philosophy of Economics; Philosophy of Mind; Philosophy of Science
Professional Label: Philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, metaphysics.
Phone: 303-871-2767
Office: DU, Sturm Hall 264 -
Benjamin Nourse
Benjamin Nourse, Ph.D., University of Virginia, Religious Studies
Assistant Professor
Department of Religious Studies, University of Denver
Specializations: Asian Religions; Buddhist Studies; Tibetan Studies; History of the Book in Asia.
Publications:- Nourse, Benjamin J. “Translating The Cult Of The Book: Publishing And Performing The Fifth Dalai Lama's The Wish-Fulfilling King From Lhasa To Beijing.” East Asian Publishing and Society 11, no. 1, (2021): 34–67.
- Nourse, Benjamin James. “Zhuchen Tsultrim Rinchen (B. 1697 - D. 1774)” The Treasury of Lives. 2019.
- Nourse, Benjamin James. “Revolutions Of The Dharma Wheel: Uses Of Tibetan Printing In The Eighteenth Century.” In Tibetan Printing: Comparison, Continuities, And Change. edited by Hildegard Diemberger, Franz-Karl Ehrhard, and Peter Kornicki. 524-550 Leiden, Netherlands: Brill. 2016.
- Nourse, Benjamin James. “Makzor Gönpo And The Choné Kangyur.” In Sources Of Tibetan Tradition. edited by Kurtis R. Schaeffer, Gray Tuttle, and Matthew T. Kapstein. 596-600 New York, NY, USA: Columbia University Press. 2013.
Phone: 303-871-3539
Office: DU, Sturm Hall 482
Marquisha Lawrence Scott
Marquisha Lawrence Scott, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Social Work
University of Denver
Specializations: religious congregations and community engagement, congregational impact on youth outcomes, clergy continued education (e.g., globalization, climate change)
Publications:- Scott, M.L. (in press). A well society: Embracing religious tenets in social welfare. In Neil Wollman & C.J. Love (Eds.), Is that Any Way to Run a Country. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Park, I.* & Scott, M.L. (2022). Understanding the ethnic self: A qualitative study of 1.5-generation Korean American adult immigrants. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, 9(2), 171-198.
- Cnaan, R.A. & Scott, M.L. (2020). Personality, prosperity, priority, productivity, and piety: Selecting congregational valued lay leaders. Journal of Health & Human Services Administration, 43 (4), 382-405.
- Scott, M.L. & Cnaan, R. (2020). Youth and religion in an age of global citizenship identification: An 18-country study of youth. Children and Youth Service Review.
- Scott, M. L. & Cnaan, R. (2018). Religious congregations and poverty alleviation in the age of New Public Governance. Nonprofit Policy Forum, 8(4), 391-410.
Courses: Spirituality and Social Work (SOWK 4555); Community and Organizational Change Theory (SOWK 4370); Critical Approaches to Facilitating and Teaching: Anti-Racist, Feminist, and Queer Pedagogies (SOWK TBD)
Professional Label: social work, religious congregations, community engagement.
Office: DU, Craig Hall
Personal website:
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Andrea L. Stanton
Professor of Islamic Studies
Department of Religious Studies
University of Denver
Specializations: Islamic Studies; Middle Eastern history; media and politics; nationalism and sovereignty
Publications:- Kaneva, Ndezhda S., and Andrea Stanton. “An Alternative Vision Of Statehood: Islamic State's Ideological Challenge To The Nation-State.” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 46, no. 5, (2023): 640-658.
- Stanton, Andrea. The Wireless World: Global Histories Of International Radio Broadcasting. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 2022.
- Stanton, Andrea. “Sober Masculinity And Nurturing Femininity: A Gendered Analysis Of The Syrian Presidency Instagram Account.” Place Branding and Public Diplomacy 18, no. 4, (2022): 346-356.
- Stanton, Andrea. “From Mecca With Love: Muslim Religious Apps And The Centering Of Sacred Geography.” In Cyber Muslims: Mapping Islamic Digital Media In The Internet Age. 161-175 London: Bloomsbury. 2022.
- Stanton, Andrea L. “Can Imperial Radio Be Transnational? British-Affiliated Arabic Radio Broadcasting In The Interwar Period.” History Compass 18, no. 1, (2020):
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- Stanton, Andrea. “The Search For A Young Imam Begins Now: Imam Muda And Civilizational Islam In Malaysia.” In Religion And Reality Tv Faith In Late Capitalism. Routledge. 2018.
- Stanton, Andrea. “Islamic Emoticons And Religious Authority: Emerging Practices, Shifting Paradigms.” Journal of Contemporary Islam, (2017).
- Stanton, Andrea. This Is Jerusalem Calling: State Radio In Mandate Palestine. Austin, USA: University of Texas Press. 2013. 260.
Contemporary Islam
Qur’an and Hadith
Islamic Fundamentalisms
Professional Label: Islamic Studies
Phone: 303-871-3503
Office: DU, Sturm Hall 272 -
Katherine Turpin
Katherine Turpin, Ph.D., Emory University
Professor of Practical Theology and Religious Education
Iliff School of Theology
Specializations: Religious education; Practical theology; Teaching about difference, social location, and structural inequality; Relationships between education and social change; Vocational development in youth and young adults
Publications:- Drama Tweens: Engaging the Bible with Younger Adolescents (Wipf and Stock, 2016)
- Nurturing Different Dreams: Youth Ministry Across Lines of Difference, co-authored with Anne Carter Walker (Pickwick Press, 2014)
- Branded: Adolescents Converting from Consumer Faith (Pilgrim Press, 2006)
Teaching and Learning in the Community of Faith
Practical Theology
Education and Social Change
Children in the Community of Faith
Pedagogy and the Teaching of Religion
Professional Label: Religious education
Phone: (303) 765-3139
Office: Iliff School of Theology